Things I learned from everywhere. My Journey about achievements and trainnngs

Here's a big list of all of my journeys.



  • Bangkit Academy 2022

    Learned Basic Programming, OOP, Data Structure, Coroutine in Kotlin :Learned Android Development from basic to intermediate level,Learned Basic UI/UX for mobile applications,Learned SOLID programming, Made capstone project (Relasia), collaborated with Cloud Computing and Machine Learning paths


  • Associate Android Developers

    Skill Test : Builded an Application with android that should match the requirements in 8 hours, Exit Interview : Asked several questions related with the application that I’ve been made and knowledge about android, development


    The TOEFL ITP® Assessment Series is a leading English-proficiency testing program for ages 16+ that allows you to measure and evaluate your students English-language skills with confidence. Know where your students are today, and inspire and lead them to a better tomorrow.


  • Awardee Beasiswa Unggulan issued by Ministry of Education and Culture

    One of the thousands of participants who received batch 1 of the 2019 Public Outstanding Achievement Scholarship in Indonesia from the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. This scholarship consists of covering full tuition fees, living expenses, as well as book fees.

  • Bronze Medalist of Science Competition for Madrasah 2018 at Mathematics

    Issued by Ministry of Religious Affairs

  • 1st Place of Statistic Competition Universitas Negeri Gorontalo 2017

    I and my friends (Sania Rizka and Berliana Sugiarti) won the competition about statistics and combinatorics.

  • 1st Place of National Science Olympiad at Region Level (Bone Bolango)

    Got 1st place in OSN in City level.

  • 4nd Place Math Literation Contest Junior High School Level Universitas Tadulako 2015

  • Top 9 of OPTIKA Junior High School Level UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

  • Finalist National Science Olympiad National Level

  • 2nd Place Lomba Cepat Tepat Matematika Junior High School Level Universitas Tadulako 2014